Cancel a booking
You can cancel your booking at any time up until 4 hours before your session. If you cancel within 4 hours of your session starting, there is no refund available. Any payment returns to your Pirate account on cancellations 4 hours more more before your session starts will appear as credit straight away, so you can rebook whenever you'd like.
To cancel:
- Log into your account
- Visit My Bookings
- Select the booking
- Scroll down to the bottom and tap the "Cancel My Booking" button
- Upon confirmation, your booking will be cancelled. Your refunded credits will appear in your account shortly
Change a booking
To change a booking, first, you'll need to cancel your existing session, and use the refunded credit to book a new session. There's no fee for this, but you may need to pay any difference in price.
Our cancellation policy
- You won’t be able to get a credit refund If you need to cancel your booking less than 4 hours before your session is due to start.
- We’ll still be offering credit refunds for cancellations made 4 hours or more before your sessions starts.
- We’ve also added a 1-hour booking cancellation grace period – this means if you want to cancel a session within one hour of booking it, you’ll get a full credit refund (unless it’s within 1 hour of when your booking is due to start). We know it’s easy to make mistakes when you’re organising your session so we hope this change helps.
- Cash refunds are available on cancellations 48 hours or more before your sessions is due to begin. Head here for to fill out the refund form.