I have lost something at the studios. 

If our mornings cleaners find anything they will place it in lost property. Unfortunately, we don't have direct contact with the cleaners and we are unable to check CCTV to look for things.

However, to get someone to check for your item on site, then please fill out the following form and one of the team will get back to you with the Site Manager's findings soon: 


Please allow several days for a response as it may take some time to check.
Please do not attempt to visit a location without our site tech confirming the item is actually there, as we will not be able to grant access


Can I pop down and check for myself anyway?

Sadly that is not possible. First, our Site Manager will need to confirm that your item has actually been found and placed somewhere in the building for you. If there is no confirmation of this from the Site Manager, please do not attempt to come down and have a look yourself, as we will not be able to give you access.

Pirate confirmed that my item was found. How can I collect it now?

You can pop down and check for your item, only if you received a confirmation email or text from us. If you are collecting an item of lost property, or want to look in our lost property cupboard/closet to find your item, please contact us on WhatsApp messaging (+447446669061) or Live Chat (support.pirate.com) as you are at the studio's main door, so we can give you entry codes. Be sure to have your past booking information and email address ready to share.

How long do you store lost items for?

We store any lost item for up to 1 month without exceptions. If you fail to get in touch and retrieve your item within this timeframe period, your item will be disposed of and there will not be a way to retrieve it anymore. PIRATE denies responsibility over this process since PIRATE isn't held responsible for any items left behind under any circumstances.

What if my item isn't there?

In case you cannot find your item, you will get a communication about it, however PIRATE will not be able to take further action and we will not have the capacity to check CCTV for a lost item or any similar purposes.


Do you need more help with this?

  • You can contact us via WhatsApp or via Live chat, just tap the chat icon to connect. 
  • Our support team is available 24/7.