Cancel a booking
You can cancel your booking at any time up until 4 hours before your session. If you cancel within 4 hours of your session starting, there is no refund available. Any payment returns to your Pirate account on cancellations 4 hours more more before your session starts will appear as credit straight away, so you can rebook whenever you'd like.
- Log into your account
- Visit My Bookings
- Click on the relevant booking ID
- On the right hand side there's an orange 'Cancel' button
- Upon confirmation, your booking will be cancelled. Your refunded credits will appear in your account immediately
Rescheduling a booking
You can reschedule a booking up until 4 hours before the start time.
- Log into your account
- Go to My Bookings
- Click on the relevant booking ID
- Tap the orange 'Reschedule' button.
You'll be asked the reason for rescheduling. You can then choose a new date and/or time, as long as these rules are applied:
- The time slot falls into an equal price value (peak/off-peak)
- The studio type is the same (you won't be able to upgrade from a Standard studio to a Pro, or from a DJ room to a recording room)
- The location and duration of the session is the same
Once confirmed, you'll receive a new confirmation email. If your original studio is not available, another studio of equal tier will be automatically allocated.
Should you accidentally book the wrong studio type, please cancel and rebook the session using the steps above.
Our cancellation policy
- You won’t be able to get a credit refund If you need to cancel your booking less than 4 hours before your session is due to start.
- We’ll still be offering credit refunds for cancellations made 4 hours or more before your sessions starts.
- We’ve also added a 1-hour booking cancellation grace period – this means if you want to cancel a session within one hour of booking it, you’ll get a full credit refund (unless it’s within 1 hour of when your booking is due to start). We know it’s easy to make mistakes when you’re organising your session so we hope this change helps.
- Cash refunds are available on cancellations 48 hours or more before your sessions is due to begin. Head here for to fill out the refund form.